May is Missions Month
For May 7th, Cornerstone Women’s Resource Center’s “baby bottles” will be available for the center’s annual, Fill a Baby Bottle, fund raiser. Cornerstone shares the Truth with young women and teens who find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy.
SUNDAY WORSHIP, MAY 21, 9:30 a.m.: Heritage Sunday The Rev. Dr. Robert J. Williams, is a retired pastor of the Greater New Jersey Conference having served as pastor of churches in Minotola, Newfield, Woodbury, Trenton, Pennington and Cherry Hill, and most recently as General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church.
SUNDAY MISSION RALLY, MAY 21, 5 p.m.: Paul Gregowske, one of the missionaries we support, originally from 2nd UMC Millville, and now retired from Trans World Radio, will be our mission speaker, followed by an “ice cream social.”