What's Happening this week at Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church in Millville, NJ
Sunday morning, June 4, 2017, Pentecost Sunday, at 9:30 a.m., Pastor John Mitchell will bring the message entitled, “All Together, Now!” based on “Acts 2:1-21.” The Praise Choir will be singing a “Sure the Presence of the Lord.” Jane Chambers will be our worship leader and Joan Thomas the song leader. Communion Stewards are Mike Mitchell and Kathy Bennett. Hospitality time will follow the worship hour. Our facility is handicapped accessible.
Mondays Cub Scout Pack 138 meets at 7 p.m. For info contact Cubmaster David Laird at (856) 765 – 1329.
The Bible study time is on Wednesdays, in room (#3/4) on the lower level at 11 a.m., with the study of 1 Thessalonians.
Do you have a knack for crafts or want to learn? Join us every fourth Tuesday of the month for our Stitch Club. We meet at 11 a.m. in Room #3/4 on the lower level. Anyone interested is welcome.