Lenten Services
The dates of this year’s Wednesday evening Lenten Services are at 7 p. m. and at the following locations:
March 4 - Pastor Tom Stark at St. Paul’s Lutheran
March 11 - Pastor Karen Bernhardt at Mt. Pleasant Methodist
March 18 - Pastor John Mitchell at Church of the Resurrection
March 25 - TBA at West Side Methodist
April 1 - Pastor John Schaser at First Methodist
A time of refreshments and fellowship will follow each service. These services support the ministry of the Help and Hope Food Closet.
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 26, 7 p.m. at 4th Methodist
Mount Pleasant Church will host the Second Community Lenten Service on Wednesday evening, March 11, at 7 p.m., with special music by Nick Camerieri and the preacher will be Pastor Karen Bernhardt. Pastor Mitchell will be the speaker at the Third Lenten Service on March 18, at 7 p.m. when the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection will host the service at the John Bosco facility on West Main Street and Hillcrest Avenue. Other locations will be published when they become available. The offerings from these services benefit the work of the “Help and Hope” ministry.
Holy Thursday, April 9, 7 p.m. at 1st Methodist
Good Friday Community Service, April 10, 12 n till 3 p.m. New Hope Methodist
Good Friday, April 10, 7p.m. at 1st Methodist